A few weeks ago, I was able to share a little Joyous Leadership with the Statewide conference of Arkansas County Judges. There were over 250 people in attendance counting spouses and vendors. Each Judge took home a complimentary copy of Joyous Leadership. To get your copy, click on the Amazon link for a great deal: https://a.co/d/fZNRGjd
I was honored to win 1st Place in the Next Generation Indie Book Awards in the Business and Motivation category for 2023. Thanks to W. Brand Publishing and all those who supported me!
Listen in as I discuss Joyous Leadership with Roger Sargent on his weekly business consulting podcast. Roger runs a business consulting/coaching company out of Seattle, Washington. We will be collaborating on a few topics in the coming weeks and will invite you in to listen.
On May 2nd, Mark spoke to the global supply team of Zebra Technologies. Tammy Froese, Chief Supply Chain officer, invited Mark to Carlsbad, California at Zebra’s global summit to share his wisdom of Joyous Leadership as it pertains to the recent supply chain crisis.
The team enjoyed several laughs and discovered that while difficult, they too could lead with joy. Sometimes our greatest challenges yield the greatest joys!
Barcoding, Inc. kicked off their annual planning meeting January 10th with Mark teaching them how to be joyous leaders. Many thanks to President/CEO Shane Snyder for having such a wonderful vision of growth and joy for his team.
Thanks Barcoding and the city of Baltimore for being such a wonderful host to Mark and Stacie.
Welcome to Joyous Leadership! Joyous Leadership – Stories of Learnings Along the Way is the title of my new book that released January 18, 2022. The book chronicles my career and life lessons as I chased happiness but found joy. I begin with early life experiences and continue to where I am now with lessons and learnings along the way.
To make sure you have the latest speaking events and book signings, make sure you sign up below or send an email to johnmarkwatson@gmail.com. I would love for you to join in on the conversation.